Progressive Drift is driving us apart.

Progressive Drift is driving us apart.
And there you are between the oak and the rose... yet their roots may meet.

With every new day comes news stories of political polarity. Strong rhetoric across social media encamps people into their political or ideological tribes. Yet, a strong community dominates the agenda and the social proof of participation.

That is, of course, those who seem themselves to be progressive. So how come progressives "push" divergent opinion far away... ? Let's give this observable anomaly a name - let's call the process "Progressive Drift".

Virtually every major party has a strong streak of modernism, and a progressive ideology running through it. To that end, culture has, particularly since The Great Recession, been shaped by expansionary progressive views. As Western Societies cashed in the "peace dividend" and developed away from disastrous colonial mindsets of the past - a new space was turned into an empire. The political intellectual space.

Out of nowhere - capitalisms greatest rival became a combination of its own inferiority complex and imposter syndromes.

You must note - this observation is not intended to cast aspersions over progressiveness. It is merely observing a rather odd and, presumably, self defeating facet progressiveness displays: intolerance.

Progressives, under the guise of virtue, often claim to be forging a new society that is steeped in inclusiveness and diversity - they project the power of tolerance. Yet, all too often, when this mindset encounters even questions about its method or merit - it reacts as a white blood cell to a virus. The opponent is made "far" and their voice suppressed, smeared and, if possible, cancelled.

New taboos, following the Me Too movement, have also allowed progressives to flank divergent views - where an opportunity arises. Using the Social Justice statute they've "virtually" created to remove the noise of those not singing the consensus. Often - these accusations have been founded - and that further reinforces the power of genuine smear in the future.

It was only recently that a question asked of Scotland's First Minister regarding a possible conflict of interest, was rebutted immediately with an accusation of racism. Such political tactics are seductive in the short term - but incredibly damaging to all in the long term. Like a certain Russian leader constantly threatening to use nuclear weapons.

Time and again, we see those occupying what would historically be seen as "moderate" positions, being pushed further away from the progressive view. Recent examples include two prominent figures inside the Conservative Party. The biggest prior examples would be Jeremy Corbyn and Nigel Farage.

In the former's case - so progressive was he, he virtually decoupled himself from those not "progressive enough". In the latter's case, his views on the tiresome EU debate went so against consensus that he was ostracised and for a decade beheld with a mistrust formerly offered to fascist movements.

It's fascinating that in both cases, progressiveness and consensus drove two willing public servants to the poles. Is that where they truly reside? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

It is entirely plausible that both share similar views on a handful of political issues. It's possible that not "all" their views place them as "far right". Whatever the case - driving them to labels of extremity was, and will remain, utterly self-defeating for progression.

When you remove someone's legitimacy, make them an "other", you send them into the very arms of those you truly do not want to build a bigger club and tribe.

Worse still, the drift becomes an incredibly unattractive void with which to attract talent into political leadership. Who in their right minds would want to risk their reputation by breaking consensus and asking awkward questions - or holding divergent opinions? In doing, progressive drift not only severs the lines of tolerance that bind our democracy - they suppress the fundamental rights we all hold dear. And we won't know what we've got, until it's gone.

In that sense, the wise amongst this political consensus should remember... to keep their friends close and avoid standing out of earshot of their enemies. Disagreement and debate is fine - but creating hate only has one outcome, eventually. (Conflict.)

May tolerance and wisdom prevail. Goodness knows the United Kingdom's political discourse needs more inquisitive minds, not less.